
OWSD National Chapter


82 Members

5 PhD Fellows

3 PhD Graduates

2 Early Career Fellows

The OWSD Mozambique National Chapter was launched in March 2020 and is hosted by the Faculty of Science at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM). The main objective is to create a network for women to encourage young girls to pursue a career in STEM and to promote the incorporation of science as a fundament for the socio-economic development of the country. The Mozambique National Chapter organize conferences, workshops, trainings and other scientific activities for women at different stages of their career, disseminate national and international opportunities of employment and carrier development, and promote scientific collaboration between women in STEM.

Contact: Valera

Executive Committee


Valera Dias

Vice Chair

Custodia Macuamulo


Helena Salencia


Sofia Salencia

Additional Executive Committee members

Candida Sete
Valera Dias
Custódia Macuamule
Raquel Matavele
Erica Tovela
Emelda Simbine
Clousa Maueua
Suzana Mucavele
Eulalia Mugabe
Sofia Salencia
Helena Salencia


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Displaying 65 - 80 of 82
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Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Full Member
Approved on:
February 2020
Biological Systems and Organisms
Full Member
Approved on:
December 2019
Agricultural Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
December 2019
Social and Economic Sciences
Affiliate Member
Approved on:
November 2019
Biological Systems and Organisms
Affiliate Member
Approved on:
November 2019
Agricultural Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
November 2019
Social and Economic Sciences
Affiliate Member
Approved on:
October 2019
Biological Systems and Organisms
Affiliate Member
Approved on:
August 2019
Engineering sciences
Affiliate Member
Approved on:
July 2019
Biological Systems and Organisms
Full Member
Approved on:
June 2019
Agricultural Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
January 2019
Agricultural Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
August 2018
Agricultural Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
June 2017
Biological Systems and Organisms
Full Member
Approved on:
April 2017
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Full Member
Approved on:
April 2017
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Full Member
Approved on:
November 2016


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